Stack Lights for Monitoring the Status of eCarts
Everything at a glance!
Optimal oversight in your production environment with visual status monitoring.
Each eCart is equipped with an interface for a three phase stack light, which can display various status messages using clear, visible light signals.
The stack light can be mounted in any position on the eCart itself or the customer tooling to provide a simple and clearly-visible status signal for each eCart. This stack light helps detect potential defects before they lead to downtime in your production.
The interface for a stack light is a standard option in all eCarts, meaning you can implement this feature for quick, visual detection of errors at no additional system cost.
In often-confusing production environments, these stack lights take the guesswork out of overseeing production. The visual signals make it immediately clear whether there are any errors or disruptions to production and where the errors are occurring.
Everything at a glance!
Signal Descriptions:
A permanent green light indicates error-free driving behavior from the eCart.
A slowly flashing green light indicates the eCart is stopped at a Stop Unit.
A yellow light indicates a warning, but the eCart is still able to drive.
A red light indicates an error that prevents the eCart from driving.
The screw terminal in the following figures shows the interface for the three phase stack light.
In a standard eCart, the interface for the stack light is located in the controls drawer.
The interface is defined with its name and assignment in the ePlan for the eCart.
The four conductor terminal connections are divided into one neutral conductor and three live terminals for the three colors, red, yellow, and green.
Additional Options for this Interface:
If desired, this interface can be provided as an optional 4-pin M12 socket so the stack light can be plugged in and integrated with the system.
With an interface for a three phase stack light, the eCart system offers a simple and affordable option to monitor the status of your eCarts at a quick glance. Production environments are often difficult to oversee because there are so many moving parts, but this stack light interface prevents downtime by helping you spot potential failures before they lead to a standstill in your production.
Coming soon: Order Direct from the Manufacturer!
We are currently working on an integrated signal light that enables visual status messages to be sent directly from the eCart. This light could also be attached to your tooling in any position so this valuable status monitoring is available from the start.